
Prophetic Key Instructions

1st Prophetic Key
Must be alone to use (unless officially married)
Use at 01AM
Use any 25th of the month
Can give to someone but make sure to get it back
Can fast days before the 25th (optional)

2nd Prophetic Key
Use only 7 times in 12 months
This is a travel journey key
Must be used the Saturday before your trip
Can be used any time of the day
Use only for VERY important travel

3rd Prophetic Key
Must be used only 12 times in a year( December 2017 to December 2018).
It can be used any day
Fast before using( optional)
Used between 12:00AM and 01:00AM
Bind and lock any witchcraft activities before using
Have Faith

4th Prophetic Key
For animal bites and cuts in either by yourself or by a friend)
Use within 12 hours after the dream
Use within 12 months period (December 2017-December 2018

5th Prophetic Key
For nakedness in dreams
Use the key to cancel the dream (whether you understand the dream or not)
You have 14 days after the dream to use the key
You can use the key anytime of the day
Can only be used between December 2017 to December 2018

6th Prophetic Key
For lost things: getting lost in dreams, loosing something in the dream
Enemy stealing something from you in the dream
Can be used anytime of the day
Use within 7 days after having the dream
Can only be used between December 2017 to December 2018

The 7th Key:The Master Key
This is the Master key: the Key of God
Use to get closer to God (your relationship with God)
It is not for individual needs
Can be used anytime of the day
Can only be used between January 2018 to January 2019