Vision and Mission Stament

Our Vision

Our vision is to take the uncompromised Word of God to the whole world, bring people out of darkness of Satan into the marvelous light unto Jesus Christ and to prepare the saints of the church to be ready for the Rapture of the Church at Christ’s Second Coming. ( I Thessalonians.4:13-18 & Matthew 28:19-20 )

Our Mission
  1. To Glorify God by proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ, to encourage all people to enter into a personal relationship with Him and membership in His family, to facilitate spiritual maturity and to equip for ministry in the church and around the world.
  2. To continue the mission of Jesus Christ to seek and save the lost (Matthew 28: 19-20), to nurture the believer resulting in strong followers of Christ and to guide and equip the members of this body in discovering their place in ministry that they may ultimately continue the Great Commission throughout the world.
  3. To proclaim the life and truth in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to grow Bible-centered and Holy Spirit-filled disciples.
  4. To hear Jesus say when believers enter into heaven – “Well done, good and faithful servant”
  5. To reach out to the World…Preaching to the Unsaved…Teaching the Saved to Serve and baptize all who will heed “The Word”.
  6. To be a beacon of light and change the world.
  7. To glorify God’s name by leading people into a mature and fulfilling relationship with Jesus Christ.
  8. To be a worshiping, spiritually alive church, caring for one another and the world and reaching out to encourage others to know Christ and his love.


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