
2018 2nd Group Fasting


From Monday, April 09 to Sunday, April 15

Theme:”Thank You Lamb Of God”

Fasting verse: Psalms 116:12-19 & 118:24

Fasting Instructions

  1. Drink only pure water from 06:00AM to 06:00PM
  2. Meditate on the fasting verse and any related verses
  3. Pray every 02 hours
  4. Be vigilant and do not give into provocation
  5. Join the prayer line in the morning at 05:30AM to start the fast
  6. Join the prayer line in the evening at 05:30PM to break the fast
  7. Join the night payer session in the church from 08:PM to 09PM to take it higher
  • PRAYER LINE: 1218-895-1765
  • ACCESS CODE: 2014#
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 Our next Group Fasting is scheduled to start on MONDAY APRIL 09 TO SUNDAY APRIL 15.

The theme and scripture references will be announced later.

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Prophetic Key Instructions

1st Prophetic Key
Must be alone to use (unless officially married)
Use at 01AM
Use any 25th of the month
Can give to someone but make sure to get it back
Can fast days before the 25th (optional)

2nd Prophetic Key
Use only 7 times in 12 months
This is a travel journey key
Must be used the Saturday before your trip
Can be used any time of the day
Use only for VERY important travel

3rd Prophetic Key
Must be used only 12 times in a year( December 2017 to December 2018).
It can be used any day
Fast before using( optional)
Used between 12:00AM and 01:00AM
Bind and lock any witchcraft activities before using
Have Faith

4th Prophetic Key
For animal bites and cuts in either by yourself or by a friend)
Use within 12 hours after the dream
Use within 12 months period (December 2017-December 2018

5th Prophetic Key
For nakedness in dreams
Use the key to cancel the dream (whether you understand the dream or not)
You have 14 days after the dream to use the key
You can use the key anytime of the day
Can only be used between December 2017 to December 2018

6th Prophetic Key
For lost things: getting lost in dreams, loosing something in the dream
Enemy stealing something from you in the dream
Can be used anytime of the day
Use within 7 days after having the dream
Can only be used between December 2017 to December 2018

The 7th Key:The Master Key
This is the Master key: the Key of God
Use to get closer to God (your relationship with God)
It is not for individual needs
Can be used anytime of the day
Can only be used between January 2018 to January 2019

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Obituary: Sister Sonnet Funeral(Brother Hamilton’s Mom)

Sister Sonnet funeral service  will take place on Friday April 06.

Let’s all show our support to the family in this difficult time of bereavement.


Address:  337 S. Orange Ave, Newark, NJ

Time: 8:00 PM-2:00 AM

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2018 First Group Fasting


From Monday, January 15 to Sunday, January 21

Theme:”Fasting For Relief From Tormentors.”

Fasting verse: Psalms 56:1-13

Fasting Instructions

  1. Drink only pure water from 06:00AM to 06:00PM
  2. Meditate on the fasting verse and any related verses
  3. Pray every 02 hours
  4. Be vigilant and do not give into provocation
  5. Join the prayer line in the morning at 05:30AM to start the fast
  6. Join the prayer line in the evening at 05:30PM to break the fast
  • PRAYER LINE: 1218-895-1765
  • ACCESS CODE: 2014#
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Gospel Music Concert


Sister Victoria Sarfo, The WEC Choir and others gospel singers will be having a concert.

Date: Sunday September 17th 2017

Venue: 677 Elton Avenue, Bronx, NY 10455

Time: 02:00 PM

“Let the worshipers arise and let the sons and daughters of GOD come and sing”

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We are Fasting


From Monday, July 17 to Sunday, July 23

Theme:”Prayer for the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of our Christ.”

Fasting verse: Ephesians 1:17-19

Fasting Instructions

  1. Drink only pure water from 06:00AM to 06:00PM
  2. Meditate on the fasting verse and any related verses
  3. Pray every 02 hours
  4. Be vigilant and do not give into provocation
  5. Join the prayer line in the morning at 05:30AM to start the fast
  6. Join the prayer line in the evening at 05:30PM to break the fast
  • PRAYER LINE: 1218-895-1765
  • ACCESS CODE: 2014#
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Naming & Children Dedication: Brother Kofi & Sister Florence

Brother KofTRIPLETS NAMING & DEDICATION (front) newi and Sister Florence are dedicating their TRIPLET to the Lord on SUNDAY JULY 09  From 11:00 AM-2:30 PM

Venue: The WEC SANCTUARY – 677 Elton Avenue, Bronx, NY 10455

(The Naming Ceremony will take place at Power House Church 1159 Southern Boulevard Bronx, NY 10466 on Saturday July 08 From 10:00AM-01:00 PM)

Let’s all come in numbers to support them.

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Water Baptism


The Water Baptism is this Saturday June 17, 2017 


Location: Orchard Beach, Pelham Bay, Bronx

Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of yours sins. And  you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off-for all whom the Lord our God will call.” (Acts 2:38-39)


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Midweek’s Bible Studies

bible-study_724_482_80“The entrance of the words of God gives light; it gives understanding to the simple”(Psalm 119:130)

The Wednesday night bible study has resumed.

Time: 07:30PM to 9:00PM.

This is a perfect opportunity to study the word of God.

All are welcomed.

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Baby Dedication: Sister Christelle and Brother Pierre

infantdedication2Sister Christelle and Brother Pierre will be dedicating their son to the Lord.

Date: Sunday June 04th 2017

Venue: 677 Elton Avenue, Bronx, NY 10455

Time: 01:00PM-03:00PM

Let’s all come in number to support them.

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Baby Shower: Sister Anya and Brother Kassou

baby-shower-cookies-23250019BABY SHOWER:

You are all invited this Saturday May 27 to Sister Anya and brother Oura Kassou baby shower, from 5:00 PM to 11:00 PM

Venue:153 S. 5th Avenue Mt. VERNON, NY, NY 10550(Community Room).

RSVP: 914-258-2737.

Baby Registry: Babies R Us, Target(type the name of the parents)

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Baptism Classes

sister-jenell-baptism-400x255BAPTISM CLASSES

The baptism classes are scheduled to start next Saturday, May 20 at 03:00 PM. If you want to get baptized during the summer, please register your name. You could register in the “media room” next time you come to church.

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We are Fasting


From Monday, April 17 to Sunday, April 23

Theme:”Lord, Fashion My Heart To Your Will”

Fasting verse: Psalm 33:13-15

Fasting Instructions

  1. Drink only pure water from 06:00AM to 06:00PM
  2. Meditate on the fasting verse and any related verses
  3. Pray every 02 hours
  4. Be vigilant and do not give into provocation
  5. Join the prayer line in the morning at 05:30AM to start the fast
  6. Join the prayer line in the evening at 05:30PM to break the fast
  • PRAYER LINE: 1218-895-1765
  • ACCESS CODE: 2014#
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Wednesday’s Weekly Bible Study

bible-study_724_482_80Please be advised that the Wednesday’s bible study class has been


Wednesday 29th class won’t take place. You will be notified when the bible studies resume.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may caused.

In the mean time, you could make an effort and attend the Sunday’s School with Pastor Desmond. It starts at 10:30AM.

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Annual “07 Weeks Water Journey”

water journeyThe annual “7 Weeks Water Journey” is scheduled to start on Friday March 31st.
Initially announced to start on Friday, February 17th, it has been postponed to the last Friday of the month of March.
This is the perfect opportunity for you to transition from one point of your spiritual life to another.
Join us from Friday March 31 at 09:00 PM.

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Annual “07 Weeks Water Journey”

The annual “07 Weeks Water Journey” has been postponed.

Initially announced to start on Friday, February 17,  it has been postponed to the 3rd week of the 3rd month.

Additional information will follow.

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No Service On Sunday January 1st, 2017

All church members and visitors are advised that there will be NO CHURCH SERVICE ON SUNDAY JANUARY 1ST, 2017.


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No Service On Friday December 30th, 2016

All church members and visitors are advised that there will be NO CHURCH SERVICE ON FRIDAY DECEMBER 30TH.

The “Night Of Fire” will take place on Thursday December 29th instead.

We will be having the “Cross-over to 2017” service on Saturday December 31st from 09:00PM.

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Phone Number Change

phone-change600x400All members are strongly encouraged to update their phone number with the media team.

If you have recently changed your phone number, please make it a point to speak to one of our media team member next time you come to church. This will help stop sending undesired messages to non church members.

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2016-2017 Crossover Service

Do you want to cross over to 2017 with the Lord Jesus Christ?

There will be a crossover service on

Saturday December 31 from 09:00PM to 12:30AM

Come and let us cross over together to 2017


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