
Sermon (Sunday June 03, 2018): A Christian Journey Of Spiritual Progress(Part 2)- Rev. George Baah

References: Ephesians 4:24, Romans 6:13, Romans 12:1-2, Colossians 3:8,9,5, James 4:1-3, Romans 6:7-11, 1 Corinthians 15:50, John 3:5-7


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Sermon (Friday May 11, 2018): Soaring On Eagle’s Wings-Apostle Samuel Appiah

References: 1 Esaiah 40:29-31


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Sermon (Friday June 01, 2018): There Is Hope In Your Future-Apostle Samuel Appiah



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Sermon (Sunday May 28, 2018): A Christian Journey Of Spiritual Progress-Rev Dr George Baah

References: Roman 6:8-14, Roman 6:1-7, Colossians 3:12-17 &18, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Ephesians 4:20-24

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Sermon (Friday May 25, 2018): Your Lazarus Will Rise Again-Apostle Samuel Appiah

References: John 11:1-12, John 11:39-43, John 11:43-44


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Sermon (Sunday May 20, 2018): No Weapon Formed Against Me Shall Prosper-Apostle Samuel Appiah

References: 1Isaiah 54:17, Roman 8:1, Ephesians6:12

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Sermon (Friday May 18, 2018):In The Heat Of The Day-Apostle Samuel Appiah



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Sermon (Sunday May 13, 2018): The Voice Of A Mother-Apostle Samuel Appiah

References: Genesis 27:1-9, Ephesians 6:1-3

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Sermon (Sunday May 06, 2018): Seeing Beyond The Mirror-Apostle Samuel Appiah

References: Proverbs 23:7, Luke 6:45, Proverbs 27:19, Proverbs 3:5-6, Genesis 1:1-2, 1 Samuel 17:8-9, Philippians 4:13

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Sermon (Friday May 04, 2018):Bitter Waters Made Sweet-Apostle Samuel Appiah



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Sermon (Sunday April 29, 2018): There Is A Cloud Rising Out Of The Sea-Apostle Samuel Appiah

References: 1 Kings 18:41-46, Revelation 3:7-8

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Sermon (Friday April 27, 2018): Breaking Generational Curses-Apostle Samuel Appiah

References: Gen 21:39-40, Isaiah 10:27, Gen 12:10-13, Gen 26:1,6-7, Gen 21:19-21, 2 Sam 11:1-5, 2 Sam 16:20-22, 1 Kings 11:3, Judges 6:28-29, Jeremiah 1:10


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Sermon (Sunday April 22, 2018): For We Walk By Faith Not By Sight-Apostle Samuel Appiah

References: John 20:24-39, 2 Corinthians 5:5-8, Hebrew 11:11-12, 2 Kings 6:16

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Sermon (Friday April 20, 2018): No Is Not The Final Answer-Apostle Samuel Appiah

References: Romans 8:26-30, Numbers 23:60-10, Numbers 23:18-20, Romans 8:31-39


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Sermon (Sunday April 15, 2018): Faith Beget Righteousness (Part 3)-Rev. Dr. George Baah

ReferencesExodus 17:8-16, Ezekiel 33:30-33, James 1:22-26, Matthew 15:8-9

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Sermon (Friday April 13, 2018): Faith Beget Righteousness (Part 2)-Rev. Dr. George Baah

ReferencesJames 2:23, Hebrews 11:6, 1 Thessalonians 5:14-18

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2018 2nd Group Fasting


From Monday, April 09 to Sunday, April 15

Theme:”Thank You Lamb Of God”

Fasting verse: Psalms 116:12-19 & 118:24

Fasting Instructions

  1. Drink only pure water from 06:00AM to 06:00PM
  2. Meditate on the fasting verse and any related verses
  3. Pray every 02 hours
  4. Be vigilant and do not give into provocation
  5. Join the prayer line in the morning at 05:30AM to start the fast
  6. Join the prayer line in the evening at 05:30PM to break the fast
  7. Join the night payer session in the church from 08:PM to 09PM to take it higher
  • PRAYER LINE: 1218-895-1765
  • ACCESS CODE: 2014#
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Sermon (Sunday April 8, 2018): The Owner Of Your Vision-Apostle Dr. Samuel Appiah

References: Math 6:22, Psa 119:105, Hab 2:1-3

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Group Fasting


From Monday April 09th to Sunday April 15th

Theme:”Thank You Lamb Of God.”

Fasting verse: Psalms 116:12-19, Psalms 118:24

Fasting Instructions

  1. Drink only pure water from 06:00AM to 06:00PM
  2. Meditate on the fasting verse and any related verses
  3. Pray every 02 hours
  4. Be vigilant and do not give into provocation
  5. Join the prayer line to start the fast and  to break the fast

Prayer Schedule

Prayer Line: Morning: 05:30AM-06:00AM/Afternoon: 05:30PM-06PM (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday)

Church: Evening: 08:00PM-09PM(Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)

Church: Saturday: 04:30PM-05:30PM

  • PRAYER LINE: 1218-895-1765
  • ACCESS CODE: 2014#
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Sermon (Friday April 5, 2018): Faith Beget Righteousness-Rev. Dr. George Baah

References: Rom 4:19-22, Gen 15:1-6, Jam 2:23, Math 9:29-30







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Sermon (Sunday April 1, 2018): A Year To Remember Our Passover Lamb: The Risen Lord-Rev. Dr. George Baah

References: 1 Cor 15:17-19, Roman 3:10-12, Exo 12:1-3

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Sermon (Friday March 30, 2018): A Year To Remember Our Passover-Rev. Dr. George Baah

References: Exo 12:1-14, 43-48, John 12:1, 12-13, Isa 53:4-7, Mark 15:33-37

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 Our next Group Fasting is scheduled to start on MONDAY APRIL 09 TO SUNDAY APRIL 15.

The theme and scripture references will be announced later.

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Sermon (Sunday March 25, 2018): Believers Our Call To Holiness-Rev. Dr. George Baah

References: 1 Thess 4:7, 1 Pet 1:13-16, Lev 14:19, 2 Cor 5:21, Gen 8:20-21, Gen 22:2, Lev 6:25-26, Exo 20:24

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Prophetic Key Instructions

1st Prophetic Key
Must be alone to use (unless officially married)
Use at 01AM
Use any 25th of the month
Can give to someone but make sure to get it back
Can fast days before the 25th (optional)

2nd Prophetic Key
Use only 7 times in 12 months
This is a travel journey key
Must be used the Saturday before your trip
Can be used any time of the day
Use only for VERY important travel

3rd Prophetic Key
Must be used only 12 times in a year( December 2017 to December 2018).
It can be used any day
Fast before using( optional)
Used between 12:00AM and 01:00AM
Bind and lock any witchcraft activities before using
Have Faith

4th Prophetic Key
For animal bites and cuts in either by yourself or by a friend)
Use within 12 hours after the dream
Use within 12 months period (December 2017-December 2018

5th Prophetic Key
For nakedness in dreams
Use the key to cancel the dream (whether you understand the dream or not)
You have 14 days after the dream to use the key
You can use the key anytime of the day
Can only be used between December 2017 to December 2018

6th Prophetic Key
For lost things: getting lost in dreams, loosing something in the dream
Enemy stealing something from you in the dream
Can be used anytime of the day
Use within 7 days after having the dream
Can only be used between December 2017 to December 2018

The 7th Key:The Master Key
This is the Master key: the Key of God
Use to get closer to God (your relationship with God)
It is not for individual needs
Can be used anytime of the day
Can only be used between January 2018 to January 2019

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Sermon ( Friday March 23, 2018):The Reality Of Things Hoped For-Apostle Dr. Samuel Appiah

References: Heb 11:1-3, Luck 8:43-48

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Sermon (Sunday March 18, 2018): More Than Conquerors- Apostle Dr. Samuel Appiah

References: Rom 8:31-39, Rom 8:18-19, James 1:2-4, 2 Cor 4:17-18, Phil 3:13-14

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Sermon (Friday March 16, 2018): Commitment: The Pathway To Adventure-Apostle Samuel Appiah


References: Luke 18:34-43

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Obituary: Sister Sonnet Funeral(Brother Hamilton’s Mom)

Sister Sonnet funeral service  will take place on Friday April 06.

Let’s all show our support to the family in this difficult time of bereavement.


Address:  337 S. Orange Ave, Newark, NJ

Time: 8:00 PM-2:00 AM

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Sermon (Sunday March 11, 2018): The Purpose And Power Of Praise And Worship-Apostle Samuel Appiah


References: Gen 1:26-28, Psa 19:7, Gen 49:8, Jud 20:18, Psa 114:2, Exo 15:2, Jam 2:17

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Sermon (Friday March 9, 2018): Defilement: A Message From The Scriptures- Rev. Dr. George Baah

References: Rev 21:22, Math 15:18-10, Jam 3:8-10, Jer 29:11-13, Prov 19:9, Prov 6:16, 1 Thess 4:7, Lev 14:19, Zar 5:21

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Sermon (Sunday March 4, 2018): Defilement Mediums And Familiar Spirits- Rev. Dr. George Baah

References: Lev 13:31; Lev 20:6; Zachariah 12:1; Prov 16:2; Rev 21:27; Math 7:20-23; James 3:6, 8-10, Rev 21:22-27

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Sermon (Friday March 2, 2018): God’s Word Regarding Mediums- Rev. Dr. George Baah




References: Lev 19:31; Luke 16:17-31

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Sermon (Sunday February 25, 2018): In The Beginning- Apostle Dr. Samuel Appiah

References: Gen. 1:1, Rev. 1:8, Romans 12:1 & 2

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Sermon (Friday February 23, 2018-A New Day-Apostle Samuel Appiah

References:Isaiah 54:1-2, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Isaiah 42:9, Isaiah 55:11-13


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Sermon (Sunday February 18, 2018-A Syrian About To Perish-Apostle Samuel Appiah

References: Deuteronomy 26:5, Galatians 3:10-14

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Sermon (Friday February 16, 2018): Let Down The Net-Apostle Samuel Appiah


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Sermon (Sunday February 11, 2018-Opening The Wells Of Greatness-Apostle Samuel Appiah


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Sermon (Friday February 09, 2018): The Seed Of Destiny-Apostle Samuel Appiah

References: Jeremiah 1:4-10, 29:11, Luke 1:38, 1 Samuel 16:1-2, Romans 8:30

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Sermon (Sunday February 04, 2018): God Has Not Finished With Me Yet-Apostle Samuel Appiah

References: Philippians 1:1-6, Isaiah 55:8-11

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