Building the Lord’s House – 3 Days Revival: Thursday March 19th to Sunday March 22nd


Come and experience a revival of the saints and kingdom builders during these 3 days revival scheduled as follow:

Date: THURSDAY MARCH 19TH – Time: 8:30 P.M-11:00 P.M

Date: FRIDAY MARCH 20TH –Time: 9:00 P.M- 1:00 AM

Date: SUNDAY MARCH 22ND –Time: 10:30 A.M -3:00 P.M  

Venue: WEC SANCTUARY-677 Elton Avenue, Bronx, NY 10455

(Right after the Church Service which will start early and end at 2:00 PM for the event)

Let us all come in number to experience the manifestation of GOD.